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                    CRIMINAL DEFENSE  
“THE FIRST THING WE DO, LET'S KILL ALL THE LAWYERS” (William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2)                      (But not Henry VI. Said that, but "Dick the Butcher, Rz. 2380), because we take it exactly with the truth)

. At sea and in court one is in God's hands ... or is it?


Criminal defense is a fight ... with a foil or with a heavy artillery? That depends ... as the lawyers say. An aircraft carrier is powerless against a swarm of mosquitoes with its weapon systems. But if you change course to windward, the mosquitoes have no chance. This is my philosophy. And of course 25 years of criminalistic / criminological experience beyond what is not in the files. And then worlds open up to the knowledgeable. There is no such thing as the criminal trial, the accused, or the case.


There is a person who has violated a criminal law by acting or failing to act. Or not! In the latter case, criminal defense is not necessarily easier. But at least morale is fine Vista on our side. In the former case not? Yes, because here, too, the presumption of innocence applies: the degree of individual guilt despite the fact that the facts of the case have been realized must be proven beyond doubt. Namely by the state, which wants to enforce its criminal claim. This results in an abundance of opportunities, rights (also some obligations ...) and a lot of need for clarification already in the preliminary proceedings, but above all in the all-important oral main hearing.

The presumption of innocence applies until a final conviction. As your defense lawyer, I assert this constitutional principle. I make sure that the evidence, which is incumbent on the state, is carried out in a process based on the rule of law and fair. In the end, it's all about your conviction or your acquittal. And all the costs of the proceedings. This is often overlooked by laypeople: of course, also about the follow-up costs, such as damages, costs of the experts and witnesses and also those of the co-plaintiffs. You should therefore always remain vigilant: criminal proceedings can be about your entire civil or social existence. And only as your criminal defense lawyer am I the right-wing, armed and appointed body of justice to fully protect your rights. This is constitutionally guaranteed and I stand for it as your defense lawyer when I accept a mandate! Equality of arms is a constitutionally protected principle. Federal Constitutional Court, decision of May 5th, 2008 - 2 BvR 1801/06:

"The prominent importance of the legal profession for the administration of justice and for the protection of the rights of his clients requires a particularly careful observation of the prerequisites for interference and the principle of proportionality".

OLG Braunschweig with the decision of March 17th, 2008 (Qu .: Beck NJW-Spezial 18/2008): "If an application for a rescheduling of an appointment is rejected without a reasonable balance of interests (... blanket and form-based reference to a" tight business situation "), this can be a represent inadmissible restriction of the defense within the meaning of § 338 No. 8 StPO. "

I will defend you vigorously before the police, public prosecutors and all courts in Germany. As a defender also nationwide and in all courts. Nationwide, if this is recognized as necessary because of my professional experience as a criminalist and lawyer, also in terms of the cost-benefit ratio. Hence cases in which the preliminary investigation seems doubtful.

Can the state monitor its citizens' surfing?

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